Our Cooperative Partnerships

We are pleased to work with the following state, local and national partners to better serve our member libraries and support all of the libraries in Michigan.

American Library Association

The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Founded on October 6, 1876 during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, the mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.”

Michigan Library Cooperatives

Michigan’s library cooperatives are funded by a portion of state aid based on the population served by the cooperative and a portion of state aid paid to member libraries for the purchase of cooperative services. The cooperative approach preserves local initiative and control while taking full advantage of the wealth of resources that a larger service area makes possible.  Michigan’s eleven regional library cooperatives work in concert with partner organizations to facilitate access to library resources, programs and services throughout the state of Michigan.


Library of Michigan

The Michigan Legislature created the Library of Michigan to guarantee the people of this State and their government one perpetual institution to collect, preserve and provide access to the story of the State, and to support libraries in their role as essential community anchors.

Midwest Collaborative for Library Services

MCLS is a non-profit, member-driven organization whose mission is to facilitate sharing resources and to collaborate with other organizations to benefit Indiana and Michigan libraries. Facilitating group purchasing and resource sharing services allows MCLS to enable libraries to offer more to patrons and helps create a strong network of Midwestern libraries working together to enhance the region.

Friends of Michigan Libraries + Trustee Alliance

The Friends of Michigan Libraries is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization dedicated to support and advocacy for Michigan library Friends groups. Founded in 1969 by several Michigan library Friends, FOML is today a mature organization, experienced and knowledgeable about today’s libraries and their needs. Our activities promote libraries and the sharing of Friends activities throughout Michigan. Our workshop, Friends Linking Friends, is dedicated to bringing Friends together for the common good of all Friends.

Friends of Michigan Libraries Logo


One of the greatest assets of Michigan is its many libraries. Access to their collections is one vital part in assuring that participating libraries’ residents can obtain the information they need.

The voluntary participation of a library in the MILibraryCard program provides another resource for many state residents. This is not a replacement for MeLCat. Through the increased availability of resources in participating libraries, library patrons have another avenue for access to information. Increased library access helps to enhance the positive image of Michigan libraries, as well as providing improved library services for participating libraries’ residents.

Michigan Activity Pass

The Michigan Activity Pass presented by The Library Network program is a partnership between Michigan’s nearly 400 public libraries and hundreds of Michigan’s state parks (formerly the Park & Read program), historic sites, cultural attractions, campgrounds and recreation areas. The program is designed to enhance the learning experience for people of all ages through books and other library materials, and to provide reduced cost or complimentary access to arts, cultural, and outdoor organizations across the state of Michigan, from St. Joseph to Saline to Saginaw to Sault Ste. Marie to South Range, and all points in between.

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