LLC Training Hub
Your one stop shop for training and guides on all of our software and services.

BiblioCore Training
Training centered on the use and navigation of our discovery layer (also known as our catalog), BiblioCore – from general functions to backend administrative functions.
For Staff
- Known Issues and FAQ
- Admin Account Features
- Making Lists
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.
For Patrons
- Setting Up an Account: To Come
- Searching: To Come
- Placing Holds: To Come
- Using Shelves: To Come
- Borrowing History: To Come
- Additional Resources: To Come
- Submitting Feedback: To Come

BiblioSuggest Training
Training centered on navigating the dashboard for the integrated Purchase Suggestion module within BiblioCore, and how to submit a suggestion from the patron side.
For Patrons
- Video: To Come
- How to Make a Suggestion

BiblioApp Training
Training centered on the use and navigation of our app – including general functions of the catalog, app-specific functions, and troubleshooting patron issues.
For Staff
- App Walkthrough (Original)
- App Manual (Consortia)
- App Troubleshooting
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.
For Patrons
- Logging In: To Come
- Searching the Catalog: To Come
- Placing & Viewing Holds: To Come
- Your Borrowing: To Come
- Using Shelves: To Come
- Submitting Feedback: To Come
- App Troubleshooting

Sierra Training
Training centered on the navigation and use of our ILS, Sierra from III. Trainings include foundational circulation and searching skills, role-specific skills, statistics-gathering, time-saving tips and tricks, and more.
For Staff
- Circulation: To Come
- Patron Records: To Come
- Searching: To Come
- Holds: To Come
- Basic Cataloging: To Come
- Notices: To Come
- Create Lists
- Merge Duplicate Records: To Come
- High Demand Holds: To Come
- Fines Paid: To Come
- Getting Your Sierra and eResource Statistics
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.

Libby Training
Training centered on the use of the digital reading app, Libby. Training includes using the OverDrive Marketplace dashboard and helpful articles for patrons.
For Staff
- Merging Records
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.

Hoopla Training
Training centered on the use of the digital reading app, Hoopla. Training includes a FAQ from Hoopla, which leads to a wealth of helpful support articles on their site.
For Staff
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.
For Patrons

Patron Point Training
Training centered on our automated email and card application software, Patron Point. Training includes each step of the process, from application to auto-renewal.
For Staff
- Comprehensive Training Manual
- Answer to Patron Questions
- FAQ, Features, Older Training Documents
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.
For Patrons

MeL Training
Training centered on the Michigan eLibrary, provided by the Michigan eLibrary, as well as a fairly comprehensive FAQ for patrons on the MeL site.
For Staff
- Training from MeL
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.
For Patrons

Shoutbomb Training
Training centered on our text-message courtesy notification system, Shoutbomb. Training includes instructions on how to opt-in for alerts and relevant keywords.
For Staff
- Instructions
- Reporting Issues: Please report issues by emailing Try to include as much information as possible: what’s happening, how often it’s happening, what should be happening, and screenshots if possible.