Get text message alerts about your account by signing up for ShoutBomb today!

Please note that the library doesn’t charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s regular text messaging rates still apply.

How to sign up:
    1. Enter Shoutbomb (844) 225-9466 as a contact in your phone (this is optional)
    2. Text the word SIGNUP to the new contact (844) 225-9466. >> It should reply and ask for a library card number.
    3. Text your library card number. >> It should reply and ask for your PIN number.
    4. Text your PIN number. >> It should reply with a confirmation.

TIP: You can combine steps 2, 3, and 4 into a single text using a plus sign between parts. Example: SIGNUP+(barcode)+(PIN).

How to send and receive texts (OPTIONAL)
When you receive a text notice, follow the prompts.

You are automatically opted in for notices listed in BOLD below.
To send a text to the library, you may use these words:


English Description
ADDCARD Add a secondary library card to your notification account. You must submit both barcode and PIN for the card(s) you are adding
DROPCARD Remove a secondary library card
FEES Toggles notification on or off when fees have been added to your account. This option is automatically turned OFF when you register.
HOLDS Hold notices Opt In/Out
You can text HL to see a list of your items available for pickup.
IOWEU See the current fine total on your account
NOTICES Current status of all your Opt In/Out services
OVERDUE Overdue notice Opt In/Out
You maybe text OL to view a list of overdue items.
QUIT Stop this text notice service
RENEW Renew notices Opt In/Out
You may text RL to view a list of items due soon and RA to renew all.
Not all items may be renewable using the message service. If you are     unable to renew through text message, log into your patron record online at to renew other items on your account.
RESEND Resend the last message
MYCARDS For a list of cards associated with this account
MYBOOKS View items checked out and total owed
SIGNUP Register for this text notices service
NEWPASS If you change the PIN number for a specific library account, text NEWPASS+yourlibrarycard+pin to update your account with the text    notification service.
SWITCHPHONE Change the phone number receiving texts
HELP Request detailed descriptions and how to use each keyword

Have Questions Regarding Information?

Get in touch with one of our staff members for further assistance.